Christmas Eve / Julafton
So today I woke up at 8.30. I got dressed and put my make up on. And with that I was ready for CHRISTMAS.
I've skyped with family and some friends. I spend lot of time with my wonderful american family. The boys opend their gifts from my mum when she was on skype. And I opend mine, I got a charm for my bracelet. A black converse shoe, so me! Thanks mum, and thanks everyone else that has helped med with money for christmas. I was able to make my Las Vegas trip just the way I wanted. I did what I wanted and I had a blast!
I'm very greatful to everything I have around me and to everyone that's in my nearest surrounding.
I'm a lucky young lady.
I've two wonderful twinboys who I love to death. They are y extra kids. My first kids.
My extra mum and dad here, Katie and Joel. And all of their friends and family.
To all my new friends in the USA (even though you're from all of the world)
To all my friends back home, old and the newer ones.
To my lovely dad, mum and sister.
To all my relatives and close friends to my family.
I've so many people that cares about me. And you should know that a think of you often and that you're a big part of my life. You helped me become who I am.
I see love when I look into your eyes!
You're giving me strenght.
Today I cooked, meatballs, mashed potatoes, brown sause, corn, lingonberry jam and Katie made salads for us. A big and very good meal. I also made pancakes which we made a cake outof. With jam and whippedcream. But we didn't have time to eat it before church. So we need to bring it over to Marilyn and Carters house tomorrow for Christmas day.
Marilyn is going to feed us ham with potato au gratin, vegetables and then a delicious desert + my pancake cake :) YUMMY, I'm gonna be so full!
I've had a great day, and I'm super excited for tomorrow morning. When I'm going to open my gifts in my pyjamas (just like when we're celebrating b-days in Sweden). I can't wait for the boys to open their gifts, and for Katie and Joel to open theirs. I love watching people opening their gifts.. It's exciting too :)
And from one thing to another, I had som hours to kill today so I cleaned my room, sorted out papers, cardboards empty packages and packed my carry on (I know, I'm going to " need to repack it again") bit I still did it. Mostly to get som stuff out of my sight. And into the closet.
But well, here's some movies and pictures from today. I think I'm going to end it here. Have a great Christmas day, I wish you all the best.
Gott slut all i Sverige, och snart är det nyår. Hoppas ni fick de saker ni önskat er och att ni är nöjda med det. Och är ni inte det så får ni väl vänta tills nästa jul.
Njut nu av ledigheten mellan jul och nyår. Ta vara på varandra, det är det dyrbaraste ni har!

I've skyped with family and some friends. I spend lot of time with my wonderful american family. The boys opend their gifts from my mum when she was on skype. And I opend mine, I got a charm for my bracelet. A black converse shoe, so me! Thanks mum, and thanks everyone else that has helped med with money for christmas. I was able to make my Las Vegas trip just the way I wanted. I did what I wanted and I had a blast!
I'm very greatful to everything I have around me and to everyone that's in my nearest surrounding.
I'm a lucky young lady.
I've two wonderful twinboys who I love to death. They are y extra kids. My first kids.
My extra mum and dad here, Katie and Joel. And all of their friends and family.
To all my new friends in the USA (even though you're from all of the world)
To all my friends back home, old and the newer ones.
To my lovely dad, mum and sister.
To all my relatives and close friends to my family.
I've so many people that cares about me. And you should know that a think of you often and that you're a big part of my life. You helped me become who I am.
I see love when I look into your eyes!
You're giving me strenght.
Today I cooked, meatballs, mashed potatoes, brown sause, corn, lingonberry jam and Katie made salads for us. A big and very good meal. I also made pancakes which we made a cake outof. With jam and whippedcream. But we didn't have time to eat it before church. So we need to bring it over to Marilyn and Carters house tomorrow for Christmas day.
Marilyn is going to feed us ham with potato au gratin, vegetables and then a delicious desert + my pancake cake :) YUMMY, I'm gonna be so full!
I've had a great day, and I'm super excited for tomorrow morning. When I'm going to open my gifts in my pyjamas (just like when we're celebrating b-days in Sweden). I can't wait for the boys to open their gifts, and for Katie and Joel to open theirs. I love watching people opening their gifts.. It's exciting too :)
And from one thing to another, I had som hours to kill today so I cleaned my room, sorted out papers, cardboards empty packages and packed my carry on (I know, I'm going to " need to repack it again") bit I still did it. Mostly to get som stuff out of my sight. And into the closet.
But well, here's some movies and pictures from today. I think I'm going to end it here. Have a great Christmas day, I wish you all the best.
Gott slut all i Sverige, och snart är det nyår. Hoppas ni fick de saker ni önskat er och att ni är nöjda med det. Och är ni inte det så får ni väl vänta tills nästa jul.
Njut nu av ledigheten mellan jul och nyår. Ta vara på varandra, det är det dyrbaraste ni har!

Postat av: Malene
Wow. Du verkar verkligen ha en underbar värdfamilj!
Postat av: Mammi
Tack för att du orkar dela med dig av din julaftonsdag...Härligt att se pågarna in action....Saknar dig.lOVE YOU <3<3<3