9 months in the US AND A
This post is actually gonna be in English! Sorry all my Swedish friends, relatives and family. You need to practise your English. Just like all my american and international friends have to do every singel day. And do you know what? They are all soon fluent in Swedish ;) PINKIE PROMISE! hahha
So today is my "9 months passed" day in Seattle. I love it here, like Silje said here the other day too. Malin: Seattle and Washington state feels so HOME, feels like back home and I could really see myself living here.
And I totally understand what she means. I agree!
Washington is my second home (or well my american home/state) and will always be. It's will always be close to my heart.
There's so many other places in the US that I absolutley love. But they are not my home, my home is Seattle!
So yesterday we had a lot of relatives over. I'm going to post photos of that today. Pretty much NOW!

Mr. Grumpy !!!! CUTIEPIE..

Dexter completely loved Kayla. But that wasn't a surprise. He wants to be "an older" brother too :)

Aunt Emmy and Granma Crick..

Joels cousin Steve and Kayla 5 months

Cookies are the best if you ask Dex and Nic!

So that was it :) Really nice gathering.
Today I started at 8.30 and work until 12.30 kinda. Katie had to run some errands and when she came home I was off kids duty.
So this afternoon I've cleaned my room, packed a whole suitcase that a friend of mine is going to bring home to Sweden in 1½ weeks. (YEEEEEES, I know I might've packed it tooo early) But I hade the time know, today..

And when I'm going to move back home, I know that I will need two big suitcases and a carryon (computer, purse)! OMG, Katie and Joel says that I have a shopping problem, that I'm a shopaholic :) I dont know about that though... HAHHHA
It doesn't weigh much, it can weigh 50 pounds and it's only 38-40 :(
Said, I want to pack as much as possible and I want it to weigh 50 pounds.. Maybe I can ask my professional packer! Catrin, the is the packing master! Maybe we can fit more in together.
Now I'm going to take a shower, get ready before dinner. After dinner Silje is going to pick me up. And I'm going to accompany her to Alderwood Mall..
Have a great day, night, depends on where you are right NOW.
English people STOP READING. Your brain wont understand more..
Förlåt Mormor, Morfar, Ingrid + er andra som kanske borde slipa lite på engelskan.. Men hoppas ni kan förstå lite. Bilder sen igår då släkt var över och min väska som jag ska skicka med Linn hem. Hoppas ni lär er lite och inser att ni kanske kan mer engelska än vad ni tror :)
So today is my "9 months passed" day in Seattle. I love it here, like Silje said here the other day too. Malin: Seattle and Washington state feels so HOME, feels like back home and I could really see myself living here.
And I totally understand what she means. I agree!
Washington is my second home (or well my american home/state) and will always be. It's will always be close to my heart.
There's so many other places in the US that I absolutley love. But they are not my home, my home is Seattle!
So yesterday we had a lot of relatives over. I'm going to post photos of that today. Pretty much NOW!

Mr. Grumpy !!!! CUTIEPIE..

Dexter completely loved Kayla. But that wasn't a surprise. He wants to be "an older" brother too :)

Aunt Emmy and Granma Crick..

Joels cousin Steve and Kayla 5 months

Cookies are the best if you ask Dex and Nic!

So that was it :) Really nice gathering.
Today I started at 8.30 and work until 12.30 kinda. Katie had to run some errands and when she came home I was off kids duty.
So this afternoon I've cleaned my room, packed a whole suitcase that a friend of mine is going to bring home to Sweden in 1½ weeks. (YEEEEEES, I know I might've packed it tooo early) But I hade the time know, today..

And when I'm going to move back home, I know that I will need two big suitcases and a carryon (computer, purse)! OMG, Katie and Joel says that I have a shopping problem, that I'm a shopaholic :) I dont know about that though... HAHHHA
It doesn't weigh much, it can weigh 50 pounds and it's only 38-40 :(
Said, I want to pack as much as possible and I want it to weigh 50 pounds.. Maybe I can ask my professional packer! Catrin, the is the packing master! Maybe we can fit more in together.
Now I'm going to take a shower, get ready before dinner. After dinner Silje is going to pick me up. And I'm going to accompany her to Alderwood Mall..
Have a great day, night, depends on where you are right NOW.
English people STOP READING. Your brain wont understand more..
Förlåt Mormor, Morfar, Ingrid + er andra som kanske borde slipa lite på engelskan.. Men hoppas ni kan förstå lite. Bilder sen igår då släkt var över och min väska som jag ska skicka med Linn hem. Hoppas ni lär er lite och inser att ni kanske kan mer engelska än vad ni tror :)
Postat av: Mother
I can understand what you write men tar det på svenska nu...hahahha altid kul med lite omväxling. Vilken trevlig kväll med shopping o allt o sen vilken avslutning på Coldstones hmmmm jag gillar glassen over there. Vad snällt av Ryan glöm nu inte ge han pengar kära du...:-)Skönt att vi han skypa lite iallafall ha det bäst o natti natti o lycka till med packningen..hihh mamma skulle varit o hjälpt dig men då hade nog Dex o Nic slunkit ner där..Love you <3<3<3